Best of 2017 Review
Posted by SweatHawg Headwear on 29th Dec 2017
17 things that made bicycle travel better in 2017 By Zach Overholt of

SweatHawg Cap Insert.
I'm definitely what you could call a hat person. That means I'm almost always wearing a different hat while traveling. But one thing remains constant – the
Sweathawg Cap Insert. Hustling through the airport can work up a sweat –
especially through the crowded summer season. The Sweathawg insert keeps your
cap (or hat) looking fresh by absorbing most of the perspiration and preventing
sweat stains. In many cases it can actually make the hat more comfortable (for
those that are follicularly challenged). I was given one of these years ago,
and bought a bunch more so I could keep them in certain hats and not have to
rotate as much. I may have a problem. $10.
Thank you Zach for including SweatHawg Cap Inserts in your "17 things that made bicycle travel better in 2017" article!